US Handbook 2023

Associate is required to attend legal proceedings as described above, the Associate must inform their Leader in writing with at least thirty (30) days’ advance notice, if possible, to make arrangements for a leave of absence. Dwellworks may require Associates to provide proof of the need to attend legal proceedings to the extent authorized by law. Associates are expected to return to work if they are excused from the legal proceedings during regular working hours. All leave under this Policy will be unpaid. Associates who take leave under this Policy will not be penalized for taking such leave. This Policy does not extend leave to Associates who have committed or are alleged to have committed a criminal act or are party to a civil or administrative lawsuit. Civil Service Dwellworks supports those who serve as volunteer or reserve civil servicemen or servicewomen who protect our community and complies with Ohio Revised Code Section 4113.41 that provides employment protections and other rights to those who serve. Dwellworks will grant unpaid leaves of absence and unpaid periods of tardiness to those civil servicemen and servicewomen who respond to emergencies in the regular course of their employment. All leave under this Policy will be unpaid. Associates who take leave under this Policy will not be penalized for taking such leave. Associates should make every effort to notify their Leader of their leave of absence or tardiness. Dwellworks reserves the right to contact the Associate’s civil service supervisor to verify the need for leave or tardiness. Associates must disclose in writing to their Leader their civil service status no later than thirty (30) days after being commissioned and keep their Leader apprised of any changes in their civil service status. Section 5: Associate Benefits Health Benefits Dwellworks participates in group health plans available to qualifying Associates. This coverage is available to Associates with the Company, and Associates share in the cost of the premium. Associates working an average of thirty (30) hours or more per week are eligible for health benefits. The benefits begin the first (1st) day of the month following the date of hire. The required enrollment form must be completed and forwarded to Human Resources within thirty-one (31) days of becoming eligible. Associates may enroll in the plan when initial eligibility requirements are met and make changes annually during open enrollment, with changes effective on January 1st of the following year. Coverage selections will remain in place unless the Associate experiences a qualifying life event, as described by the Affordable Care Act, at which time the Associate will have thirty-one (31) days from the date of the qualifying life event to make changes to their coverage. Premium contributions made by the Associate will be deducted from their semi-monthly pay and on a pre-tax basis. For specific information about the health benefit plans offered by Dwellworks, an Associate should refer to the plan documents, which are controlling and can be obtained through Human Resources. Health Savings Account Associates who are enrolled in certain insurance plans have the option to make pre-tax contributions into a Health Savings Account (“HSA”). HSA funds may only be used for eligible medical expenses, and Associates can only use funds that are currently in the account. If the employment relationship ends between the Associate and Dwellworks, the Associate’s HSA will remain with the Associate. The Internal Revenue Service provides guidelines for contributions to HSAs. Health Flexible Spending Plan Associates who are enrolled in certain insurance plans have the option to enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (“FSA”). An FSA allows Associates to have additional deductions taken from their paychecks on a pre-tax basis to be used for medical, dental, and vision expenses. The yearly FSA expense amount is available to Associates at the beginning of the plan year; however, all unused funds are forfeited at the end of the plan year or upon the ending of the employment relationship. Associates may enroll in the plan when initial eligibility requirements are met and make changes annually during open enrollment, with changes effective on January 1st of the following year.

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