US Handbook 2023
Where probable cause exists to believe that an Associate is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or that an Associate is in possession of or distributing drugs on Dwellworks property, during working hours, or while on Dwellworks business, Dwellworks may require that the Associate submit a drug and/or alcohol screening. A refusal to submit to the drug and/or alcohol screen will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Probable cause is defined as conduct or physical evidence that leads a reasonable person to suspect the use, sale, or distribution of drugs or drug paraphernalia. Examples of probable cause include, but are not limited to: + Impaired physical or mental abilities + Inability to comprehend or carry out work-related instructions + Unusual behavior + Combination of absenteeism, declining productivity, excessive tardiness + Citation for a moving vehicle violation as a result of a motor vehicle accident + Involvement in an on-the-job accident resulting in damage or injury or requiring medical treatment from a medical facility Human Trafficking Dwellworks strictly prohibits Associates, subcontractors, subcontractor employees, and agents from engaging in human trafficking-related activities. These activities include, but are not limited to engaging in sex trafficking, procuring commercial sex acts (even if this practice is legal in the jurisdiction where it transpires), using force, fraud, or coercion to subject a person to involuntary servitude, or obtaining labor from a person by threats of serious harm to that person or another person, among others. Associates having knowledge of information concerning actual or potential violations of this policy must report them immediately to the Legal Department. Timeliness of reporting any suspected violation is critical as the U.S. Government has imposed an especially stringent reporting obligation when there is credible information of violations. Accident Prevention The safety of each and every Associate is of the utmost importance. The success of any accident prevention program depends upon Associates following safe practices, avoiding hazards and maintaining a safety-conscious attitude toward the Associate’s work and an awareness that the Associate’s actions can cause injury to oneself and others. Thus, every Associate has a serious obligation to actively participate in accident prevention and to bring to the attention of Human Resources any condition or action that an Associate believes may cause an accident or injury. Dwellworks has implemented safety measures for the protection of all Associates. Each Associate should refer to the Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan and Health & Safety policy in the shared drive for a full list of safety guidelines and rules specific to the Associate’s position. Dwellworks’ workplace safety rules are in compliance with the federal Occupational Safety & Health Act and the Occupational Safety & Health Administration of Ohio. Any injuries must be reported immediately. Associates must also comply with the Associate Code of Conduct and any other policies relating to HSSE or sector-specific safety guidelines. Associate Confidentiality All Company records, papers, information, and software to which any Associate may have access to in the course of their employment are considered confidential. Dwellworks business, as well as information regarding any Associate or person working at or previously employed by Dwellworks, are strictly confidential. Accordingly, either directly or indirectly, no information concerning present or former Associates, equipment, procedures, processes, suppliers, or customers, except so far as is necessary for the regular course of business, may be disclosed to persons outside Dwellworks, such as but not limited to, any person, firm, association, corporation, customers, vendors, attorneys, credit leaders, investigators or the news media. Any and all information relating to ideas, concepts, discoveries, improvements, devices, processes, products, computer programs, customer lists, prospect lists and/or any other information gained by the Associate during the term of employment, or received from third parties by Dwellworks, are included within the scope of this restriction.
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