Luxe Vehicle Registration Guide
5. Fill-in and sign the demand of vehicle transaction which can be provided by your Dwellworks DSC. 6. Proceed to SNCT at 11, rue de Luxembourg, L-5230 in Sandweiler to have your vehicle registered. You must register your vehicle by appointment only which can be scheduled at: You must have the following documents with you when you register: + Identity card (in the name of the owner) + Social security card (in the name of the owner) + Completed “demand of vehicle transaction” form (signed by the owner) + Valid insurance certificate + Vignette 705 + Registration documents for the vehicle issued in the country of origin/purchase (translated into English, French or German) + Number plates with frames with yellow lines + A fiscal stamp worth 50€ (which can be purchased directly at the SNCT) Important: If the car is being registered in Luxembourg for the first time, it must pass through Agréation, the technical inspection to receive approval for technical control. The cost is 20 euros (subject to change) unless technical modifications have been done to the car, in which case the cost can increase up-to 250€ per car. It is mandatory to have agréation scheduled at 3572-14-381. Usually, if approved, you can proceed to the technical control immediately. After the inspection is carried out and the car is declared fit, the owner receives the “Grey card” which is the official registration document of the vehicle and has to be kept in the car at all times and the “Yellow card” which must be kept at home.
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