Let As Seen 2024
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Properties are let “as seen” – What does this mean? You will have heard your Dwellworks contacts tell you that rental properties in Ireland are let “as seen”. Here is an explanation of what this means for you. The rental market in Ireland is very pressurised right now – there is a very high demand for rental properties and not a lot of new stock coming on the market. Due to this many people are applying of the same properties and landlords have their pick of tenants. They can go through all the applications they receive and chose who they would like for their property. They will take into account factors such a reference etc. but they also carefully look at what the expectations of the new tenant will be. This means that should there be an applicant who has an excellent reference but has told the agent they do not like the curtains and the sofa and will be asking for those to be removed/exchanged for new ones AND there is another person with an equally good references but is not asking for any modifications – they are going to choose the tenant who is not asking for modifications.
What are you entitled to ask for? You are entitled to request maintenance issues to be addressed. Examples of general maintenance issues are:
+ Heating not working correctly + Water not heating up correctly + Broken washing machine
The guideline for this is that these maintenance issues must be attended to, by the agent/landlord “within a reasonable timeframe”. This timeframe is not specified by hours or days so is a flexible term. Most agents will be very proactive for maintenance issues and will address them in a very timely manner.
Examples of urgent maintenance issues are:
+ Electricity fault where a live wire has been exposed + Flooding from an unknown source + Heating not working at all – completely non-functioning
The expectation for urgent issues is that they should be addressed immediately by the agent/landlord.
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What types of things will not likely be agreed to? Generally, any décor/aesthetic modifications are unlikely to be agreed to by a landlord.
Examples of these modifications are: + Changes to paint colour in a room + Changes to soft furnishings i.e. Curtains, blinds
+ Changes to furniture – this includes removing furniture and/or changing furniture + Changes to bulbs – if the included bulbs are in working order they will not be changed + Changes to floor coverings
How do I know what I am agreeing to? The day you view the property is the best time to see what you are agreeing to take.
The way that the property is viewed is the way it will be handed over. This is where the term “let as seen” come from. At your viewing speak with your consultant about anything you are unsure of. If they know the answer they will explain to you and if they do not know they can speak with the agent/landlord for clarification .
What about cleaning? Dwellworks will request that the property be professionally cleaned before you move in. Sometimes this is agreed to, sometimes it is not. If a professional clean is agreed to: + Please make sure that you check the property thoroughly on the day you move in and that if you are unhappy with the cleaning that you tell the agent before they leave. + It is likely that you will have to have the property professionally cleaned at the end of the tenancy at your own cost. If a professional clean is not agreed to: + Usually, the property will have been thoroughly cleaned, but not professionally. + It is likely that you will not have to have the property professionally cleaned at the end of the tenancy but will have to clean it thoroughly.
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