Hong Kong Orientation Guide
Different types of Malaria have been found in areas such asHainan andYunnan however transmission only occurs in areas below 1500 meters in a warm climate.There is no risk in popular areas, cities and tourist destinations such as Yangtze River tours, and there is no risk in HongKong orMacau.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (German Measles)
Administeredasonedoseat12monthsofage.Sideeffectsmayincludearashortemperature. Girlsaregivena rubellaboosterat 11-13yearsof age.It isawise ideaforadultstogeta vaccine shot against this before they come to Hong Kong. In the spring of 1997 there was a small outbreak of rubella andmanywere kept out of work for up to threeweeks.
Immunization is only advisable in areas where rabies is endemic, particularly for individuals planning to travel to remote areas; to live, camp, hike or bike through a rural location where post exposure immunization might be difficult to obtain.
Typhoid is contracted from contaminated food and water. A vaccine is available (two doses about amonth apart). Protection is also available as capsules, with four taken on alternate days for about a week. A booster is required every three years. The vaccination/capsules are not usually needed inHongKong,butwe recommend inoculation fortravel toareaswithpoorwaterquality and poorhygiene.
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
Thevaccine isavailable inHongKongand thiscanbeadministered from13monthsofage onwards.Adultsneedtochecktheir immunity.Contractingthisvirusasanadultcan leadto more serious complications than the childhood infection.
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