Hong Kong Orientation Guide

Hemophilus Influenza Group B (HIB)

This vaccination isgivenroutinely tobabies inthreedosesbeforesixmonthsofage.Itprotects againstoneofthe formsofmeningitis andepiglottis (acauseofseriousbreathingproblems in older children). It is recommended that older children who missed the first schedule should also receivethisvaccinationupuntilsixyearsofage.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is the most common cause of hepatitis in Hong Kong, accounting for about 80% of all cases. It is also a virus and usually causes an acute illness, from which it is common to take six to 12 weeks to recover. It is spread in a similar manner to typhoid and cholera, by contaminated water, food (particularly shellfish) and poor hygiene. Some people have asymptomatic infections and they are at particular risk for transmitting it to other people. Symptoms commonly include fever, fatigue, diarrhea, headache, loss of appetite, jaundice and vomiting. About a quarter of patients need hospitalization. The illness is much less severe in children. Gamma globulin used to be given to those traveling to high-risk areas, but a vaccine has recently become available and is now the preferred method of immunization. A course of three vaccinations isrequired,withonemonthbetween the firsttwo,andabooster sixto12months later.ItcanbegivenatthesametimeasthehepatitisBvaccination.Furtherboostersarerequired after10years.WewouldhighlyrecommendthatyourfamilyreceivehepatitisAalongwith hepatitisBvaccinesassoonaspossibleafterarriving inHongKong.Other precautions include good hygiene and cooking shellfish well, especially bivalves like clams, mussels and scallops. Hong Kong has a relatively high incidence of hepatitisBand about 10%of the population are carriers of the infection. It is caused by a virus that is spread through bodily fluids, such as, blood, semen and saliva, and can cause liver failure and an increased incidence of liver cancer. Hospitalization can last several months. All pregnant women should be tested for hepatitis B. Babies born to infected mothers require a special treatment at delivery to prevent their offspring from becoming infected. In Hong Kong, children receive routine vaccinations at birth, one month andsixmonthsofage,althoughthevaccinecanbegivenatanyage. Unfortunately,mostofthe adult population is notvaccinated. We would recommend that you and your entire family begin the course of three vaccinations assoonaspossibleafter arriving.Ifyouhavebeen inAfricaorotherpartsofAsia,youshould undergo a blood test first to ensure that you have not already contracted the disease. Hepatitis B

Japanese Encephalitis, Meningococcal Vaccines

These vaccines are necessary for travel to some areas in Asia. For more information, contact your doctor or an infectious disease expert.


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