Home search Documents 2024
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PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR DOCUMENTS TO YOUR DESTINATION SERVICE CONSULTANT AHEAD OF YOUR HOME SEARCH: • Copy of your Passport • Employers reference / Copy of employment contract • Previous Landlords reference / Proof of ownership of your property in your home Country • Short Bio (I would advise to include a photograph) make yourself memorable • 3 months Bank Statements (at the agents request) As a guide to securing a property it is a good idea to compile all the necessary documentation noted below for your application. This will usually speed up the application process and make it easier for the landlord to determine that you would be a suitable tenant for their rental property. We also suggest keeping this information on your phone so that, if necessary, you can show it to a landlord/agent while at a viewing should they wish to verify something with you. Employer reference letter : This can usually be your letter of offer OR the first page of your contract OR you can request a specific letter from your HR stating, that your salary will be sufficient to cover the rental amount. Previous Landlords reference : When possible, you should provide a previous landlord reference - this should include your current address and past addresses, as well as contact information for landlords and the dates you resided at each location. If you cannot locate detailed information for all your rental history, focus on the last one or two places you rented or lived in. Attached is a guideline template which you can modify as you wish. If you have not rented previously, we suggest a personal reference, one from a family friend or former next-door neighbour. Look for individuals who can boost your application and give you a good recommendation. Alternatively, if you own a property, give the full address, and advise what you are doing with the property while you are working in Ireland. Proof of ownership of this property is also useful if you can provide this. Introduction profile/biography : This is a personal introduction to your potential landlord and the idea of this is to make your application stand out and to give the landlord some background about yourself. Attached is a guideline template which you can modify as you wish. Note: Personal and privileged information for house renting purposes only. Data protection compliance is applicable in Dwellworks managing this information.
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