Flat Sharing Info
+ Possibly pay a share of the dilapidations charged by the landlord for defects for the duration of the dwelling towards which the outgoing sharer has made no financial contributions + Bear in mind any ‘set up costs’ you may fall subject to – more likely to occur when starting a new tenancy with more than yourself as applicant(s) TYPICAL TENANCY ARRANGEMENTS Tenancy arrangements in shared accommodation can vary. The most typical scenarios include: + One tenancy agreement which each tenant in the property signs. You all share the property and its facilities and don’t have exclusive possession of any part, even though in practice you may agree to occupy a particular bedroom and pay individual contributions towards the rent. This is a joint tenancy + Each sharer in the property has their own tenancy agreement because they each have exclusive possession of one specific room while sharing other facilities such as the kitchen. In this case, each tenant has a sole tenancy + One sharer in the property signs the tenancy agreement and has a sole tenancy. They then sublet rooms separately to other tenants either as sub-tenants or as lodgers. Your rights and responsibilities will vary depending on whether you have a joint or sole tenancy or whether you have a tenant as your resident landlord.
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