Discovering Luxembourg 2022

Child Safety Regulations + Children under the age of three should be seated in a proper car seat that corresponds to their weight and height. + Children and adolescents who are 3 to 12 years-old and under 1.5 meters in height must be seated in an appropriate car seat in the back seat of the vehicle + Children over 1.5 meters tall are allowed to sit in either the front or back seat with secured by a seatbelt Expenses In addition to the normal expense of gasoline and maintenance, you will be faced with other vehicle expenses as well. Import Duties For new cars being imported into Luxembourg from the EU, or other countries outside of the EU, a VAT tax on the value of the car is created and must be paid before entry. The tax is typically 17% of the value of the vehicle. It is best to receive a quote from a Luxembourgish customs agency or a quote from the customs agency where the vehicle will be entering into the EU first. Vehicle Inspection All cars must be annually tested for roadworthiness and emissions safety by an official test center. New cars undergo their first test after four years on the road then again at six years on the road. Any cars that are six years or older must undergo a test each year. The vehicle roadworthiness test is administered by the Societe Nationale de Controle Technique (SNCT).

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Discovering Luxembourg

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