Discovering Luxembourg 2022
Insurance Costs The cost of vehicle insurance varies by provider and can be impacted by: + Make and model of the vehicle + The vehicle’s engine power + The vehicle’s age + Occasionally, vehicle color + Whether the car is parked off-street or in a private garage + Driving history and age of the driver(s); some companies have differing premiums according to gender and place of residence of the driver Luxembourg car insurance has a system of no-claims bonuses, known as the Bonus-Malus system. Annual rates increase if a claim is made when an accident is the driver's fault; if the driver has no accidents the rates will decrease. All new drivers start at a premium level with a certain number of points that correspond to a full price premium. Each year the cost of will be adjusted. In the event of a claim, the level increases by three points. If there are no claims made in the year, the level will decrease by one point. Therefore, after any claim, it takes three years to return to the initial level. The maximum amount of no-claims bonus is 55 percent. A no claims bonus accumulated abroad can be transferred to a Luxembourg insurance company. You will need to obtain a certificate from your current insurance company stating the amount of no-claims bonus you have. Cancelling/Transferring a Car Insurance Contract Insurance contracts are automatically renewed at expiration date unless three months’ written notice of cancellation is provided. It is possible to have a cancellation clause included in the contract in the event you relocated due to employment. Accidents All insurers provide drivers with an Accident Report Form ( constat amiable d'accident ), available in French, German, and English. In case of a minor accident, both parties must sign this form. If two cars were involved, use either drivers' constat amiable d'accident. If more than two cars are involved, a separate accident report form should be completed by each party. If a driver refuses to sign the form, call the police, make a note of the registration number and take the details of any witnesses. If there have been injuries or fatalities, then you must call the police (113) and ambulance (012) service. Do not move vehicles until after the police have arrived. The accident report sheet will need to be sent to the insurance company within five to eight days, depending on the insurance company’s policy. If you need immediate assistance with your vehicle, contact Automobile Club de Luxembourg (ACL) at +352 26000 or ACL offers annual membership, allowing you to use free assistance twice per year.
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