Vienna City Guide

International Bookstore Various locations at Vienna Schwechat Airport with a large selection of books in English and other foreign languages, and an online shop at Pickwick’s Pickwick’s is a café and bar with a bookstore for new and second hand books and also a large selection of international films. Marc Aurel Str. 10-12 1010 Vienna Phone: +43 1 533 01 82 Shakespeare & Company Shakespeare & Company offers a large selection of books and magazines in English. Sterngasse 2 1010 Wien Phone: +43 1 535 50 53 Thalia Buchhandlung One of the biggest bookshops in Vienna with five branches in the city, including a selection of English and other foreign language books. Mariahilfer Str. 99 1060 Wien Phone: +43 732 76 15 66 71 0 The Bookworm The Bookworm focuses on children’s books in English.

Tokiostr. 11 1220 Wien Phone: +43 1 202 14 17 Vienna Public Libraries

There are 39 library branches in the city with a wide variety of books and other materials (audio books, CDs, DVDs etc.). The central library is located at Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a. Their website is available in English and offers detailed information on registration, fees, the branch offices and an online catalogue. Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a 1070 Vienna Phone: +43 1 400 08 45 00

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