Schooling in the UK
Open Days Schools, colleges and universities usually hold open days/evenings at least once a year, usually in September/October. If the timing of the open day is not suited to you, or you are interested in entering your child into the school at a later notice, you can contact the school and request a tour separately. It is a good idea to visit a school in person before enrolling to familiarise yourself with what to expect for your child and what the feeling of the school is on an average day.
The School Year Local Authorities can set their own term dates, but as a guideline the school year for Primary and Secondary in the UK begins at the beginning of September and ends mid- July. There are usually 6 school terms:
+ September to October + October to December + January to February + February to March
+ April to May + June to July The breaks are usually one week long for half-term (October, February, May/June), with two weeks at Christmas/New Year (December/January), two weeks at Easter (March/April), then six weeks over summer (July-September). The school day usually begins around 8:30 and ends around 15:15, but as before, this will vary depending on the school (and the finishing time is usually later for secondary schools).
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Schooling in the UK
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