Rhine-Area City Guide

Step 3 Procedure in Köln, Düsseldorf and Leverkusen Submit the following items at the “Führerscheinstelle” (authority responsible for driving licenses) or at your local registration office (applies to Köln only): + Passport + One passport sized photo + Translation of the original driver’s license and the confirmation of issue date + Original and copy of your national driving license + Application form for new license + Administrative fee around € 40 to € 50 Neither your passport nor your driving license will be kept by the authorities. Duration: 4-6 weeks The Führerscheinstelle will not always inform you that you can pick up your German license. Please check with the relevant authorities after approximately 4 weeks. Vocabulary assistance I would like to transfer my driver’s license. Ich möchte meinen Führerschein umschreiben lassen. When can I pick up my driver’s license? Wann kann ich meinen Führerschein abholen? Procedure in the Erftkreis (Pulheim, Frechen etc.) Please forward following items to your local registration office or directly to the Führerscheinstelle (authority responsible for driving licenses) in Bergheim for faster processing: + Passport + One passport sized photo + Translation of the original driver’s license and the confirmation of issue date + Original and copy of your national driving license + Application form for new license + Administrative fee around € 40 Neither your passport nor your driving license will be kept by the authorities. Duration: 4-6 weeks In any case you will pick up your German driver’s license at the Führerscheinstelle in Bergheim, not at your local registration office. The Führerscheinstelle will not always inform you that your German license is ready for pick up. Please check with the Führerscheinstelle after approximately 4 weeks.

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Fit for Germany – Rhein Area

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