RAN Live 2021 - eNetwork Conference Special
Overseas Perspectives
Our global session, Overseas Perspectives, will feature market trends and business/brand development ideas from three real estate leaders in the Dwellworks portfolio. Dima Lorenz, from APAC, Gus Waite, from New York City and Shelly Bean from Seattle will share news and perspective from their active and growing markets.Andrew Scott, Managing Director for RAN, will host this virtual session.
Dima Lorenz Director and Co-founder Ark Properties, Shanghai Vice President,APAC Dwellworks
Dima is the Director and founding partner along with his wife, of Ark Properties, a China-based real estate brokerage focusing on corporate relocation and leasing services in Shanghai. Initially a boutique real estate brokerage, the business quickly expanded to corporate relocation and destination services with a primary focus as a vendor to China-based multinationals and global Relocation management companies. In 2018, the company was acquired by Dwellworks. Dima was born in Hong Kong, raised in Germany and speaks German, English and Chinese. He is a real estate enthusiast and investor and since 2017 serves as a member of the Global Advisory Board of the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World. He has been in Asia for nearly 20 years and recently relocated to Perth, Western Australia with his family.
Ralph “Gus”Waite Managing Broker, Station Cities,Tri-State/New York
Gus is a 15-year veteran of theNewYork real estate scene.Managingdirector at several large firms, thousands of transactions, a thought leader on bringing transparency, professionalism and good humour to the process of finding a customer’s first home in New York. Currently he is the New York Tri-State Managing Broker for Station Cities, the real estate division of Dwellworks, with oversight for 50+ agents. Gus’ specialty is streamlining the search, using his encyclopedic knowledge of New York buildings and owners to streamline every search, and recognising that finding a home needs a holistic approach. Emotional intelligence, context process and mentoring others are his passion.
Shelly Bean Designated/Managing Broker, Station Cities Seattle
Shelly Bean is an accomplished eight year real estate professional in the greater Seattle, Washington area. She quickly rocketed from a top producing agent to company trainer and mentor, to her current role as founder and leader of the Seattle operations of Dwellworks’ specialty real estate brokerage Station Cities. With a formal and extensive background in education and training, Shelly seeks to lead her team through growth, discovery and professional development as they continually expand their local services, expertise, and relationships. Her leadership has propelled the two and half year old Dwellworks startup operation to a multi-million-dollar business - most of which has been during the pandemic. Shelly’s success is anchored in her approach to having high level agents deliver unmatched services to those relocating to the area.
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