RAN Live 2021! eNetwork Conference Special

Conference Extras

Access the Conference App

Available to download, the App provides all the key inform a tion about agenda, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors, keeping you in the know

ahead of RAN Live 2021! Other features include • Ask A Question Facility • Push notications, keeping you up to date with the latest Conference news • Networking with fellow delegates This year access via the CrowdComms portal app via Apple App Store or Google Play.This year’s app is also web-based go to www.ranlive2021.co.uk Once you have opened the app, you can then save it onto your home screen for easy access throughout the Conference.

Enter Event Code: ranl21

Vis i t Our Photo Booth

Our RAN branded photo booth will once again be available at the National Conference, at selected times. It provides each of you with a great promotional opportunity and is easy as 1-2-3.. 1. You and your team visit the photo booth located in the foyer. 2. Our conference photographer takes your team photograph, with a specially designed ‘Your Local Expert’ Certi f icate After the event, we send you the photograph, along with a press release detailing that your company is the local area’s selected Relocation Agent Network member. 3.

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