PPS Registration

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PPS Registration (Social Security): Your PPS is a unique reference number that helps you access public services and information in Ireland. It is important to complete this appointment as soon after your arrival as possible. Documents required: + Passport for each person + Letter from your employer stating your name and current Irish address + Birth Certificate (requested at the discretion of the Government official – in English language) ** + Adoption Certificate (if applicable, requested at the discretion of the Government official - in English language) ** + Marriage Certificate (if applicable, requested at the discretion of the Government official - in English language) ** **All applications for children must be accompanied by a “legitimate reason” for the application. This is to prove to the government official why the child needs a PPS number. The proof can be a school application letter, a child benefit application form or a GP registration form. You must be able to provide one of these if required. This is at the discretion of the government official. In order to be prepared you can print off this Child Benefit Form. You will receive your PPS number in the post within 7-10 working days. Other considerations for spouse/partner/family members applying for PPS. For those who will be working in Ireland is it straight forward to apply for a PPS number as the number is required for paying taxes. For those who will not be working in Ireland, there are restrictions on getting a PPS number. Please see the below: Married couples where one party is NOT working in Ireland : In order for the spouse who is NOT working in Ireland to get a PPS number they must explain that they wish to get a PPS number in order to transfer tax credits to their spouse who is working. There is a special form to complete for this “ Assessable Spouse Election Form ”. This form should be brought to the PPSmeeting. Civil Partnership where one party is NOT working in Ireland: In order for the civil partner who is NOT working in Ireland to get a PPS number they must explain that they wish to get a PPS number in order to transfer tax credits to their spouse who is working. There is a special form to complete for this “ Nominated Civil Partner’s Election Form” . This form should be brought to the PPSmeeting.

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Married couples: Registered civil partners ONLY are treated the same way for tax purposes. Please note that Revenue (Irish tax system) recognises only certain registered foreign marriages and civil partnerships for tax purposes. A list of all foreign marriages and civil partnerships recognised in Ireland is given by the Department of Justice and Equality and documents required for each country is HERE . Non married/Cohabiting couples : Revenue assess cohabiting couples as single individuals. The partner who is NOT working in Ireland will generally be required to have a job to be able to apply for a PPS. It is not necessary to have a PPS Number order to seek employment. If however, they are looking to do driving lessons to apply for a driving licence a PPS is required. In this case, on the PPS application form the reason should be stated as “Apply for driving licence”. The application form for a driving licence is HERE . IMPORTANT : PPS applications are processed and serviced by the government of Ireland. Dwellworks will provide you with the best advice and guidance but decisions about eligibility to apply and acceptable documentation is at the discretion of the official on the day of the appointment. COVID-19: During Covid-19 the PPS office is not taking appointments, however you can apply via email on arrival to Ireland. • Each adult completes REG1 (over 18) children under 18 use the REG1M, spouse can also complete the non-working spouse form, and if a Civil Partner they can complete their form. • Provide a copy of your photo Identity document (Passport) • Proof of your Address – I will provide you with a Dwellworks letter as back up for proof of address, you should also provide a letter from your employer confirming you are working for them. As the application forms need to be signed, we suggest you do this prior to your arrival, once you have your temporary address you can scan and email or post to : Email: PPSN@welfare.ie Address: PPSN Applications, CIS Registration, Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Shannon Lodge, Carrick on Shannon, N41 KD81

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Employer PPS Letter of Introduction Template Below is the template for the letter your employer needs to provide you with in advance of the PPS meeting. Please ensure you request the letter in advance of your appointment so there is time for your HR to prepare it. You must have this letter with you on the day of the appointment in order to be able to complete the registration. MUST BE PROVIDED ON COMPANY LETTERHEAD

DEPT OF SOCIAL PROTECTION Intreo Centre Parnell Street 197-199 Parnell St, Dublin 1


To: Whom It May Concern:

This is to confirm that EMPLOYEE NAME has relocated from COUNTRY to COMPANY NAME on the DATE.

Please be advised EMPLOYEE NAME is living at ADDRESS IN IRELAND.

EMPLOYEE NAME holds the position of POSITION.

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Yours faithfully,

Name and Signature

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