Munich City Guide
Müllersches Volksbad Müller’s Public Baths, Indoor Pool and steam bath, styled in a mixture of Art Nouveau and Neo- Baroque Rosenheimer Str. 1 81667 München Tel.: 01801 - 79 62 23 Olympia-Eissportzentrum Ice skating centre, open all year Olympiapark Spiridon-Louis-Ring 21 80809 München Tel.: 089 - 30 67 21 03 FC Bayern München e.V.
Säbener Str. 51 81547 München Tel.: 089 - 69 93 10
TSV 1860 München Grünwalder Str. 114 81547 München Tel.: 089 - 6 42 78 51 00 Cycling
Munich is a cyclists’ paradise and a sight-seeing tour by bike will help to discover the Munich life. The city has an extensive network of cycle paths (1,100 kilometres). Detailed maps are available for most parts of the city. Cityhopper Touren by bike They offer an Old Town Tour and a Romantic Tour, lasting between 2 and 4 hours. In addition, Cityhopper Touren also offers Old Town Walks in English. Mrs Stefanie Pokorny Hohenzollernstr. 95 80796 München
Tel.: 089 - 2 72 11 31 Fax: 089 - 2 73 10 16
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