Luxembourg School Information
+ Space availability in relevant course subjects + Siblings already enrolled at the school + Date of application completion and/or submission School Structure The Lower School is divided into two sections: + The Early Years Program includes the Preschool, Kindergarten and Grade 1 and serves children ages 3-7 + The rest of the Lower School Program includes Grades 2-5 and serves children ages 7-11 The Upper School comprises two divisions: + The Middle School includes Grades 6-8 and serves students ages 11-14 + The High School includes Grades 9-12 and serves students ages 14-18 Section Division Age Class
Preschool Kindergarten 1 Kindergarten 2 Grade 1
Early Years Program
Lower School
Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Lower School
Middle School
Upper School
High School
High School students in Grades 9 and 10 follow the IGCSE program in core subjects and then move on in Grades 11 and 12 to the High School Diploma with 90% of the students also pursuing the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma. As a result, ISL students are able to obtain admission to many of the world’s finest universities and colleges. Athénée de Luxembourg The International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program at the Athénée de Luxembourg school enables students with an excellent command of English to follow academically challenging and balanced secondary studies (with English as a mother tongue) focusing on languages, arts and sciences, which gives them an excellent preparation for university studies in Anglo-Saxon countries and Europe and life beyond. The Athénée offers a 7 - year study program, which encompasses three different cycles: following the three successful preparation years (7 th ,8 th and 9 th grades) and the two intermediate years (10 th and 11 th grades), students automatically enter the actual IB Diploma Program (12 th and 13 th grades). Although they may join the program at any time (given there are still places available) we advise students to join the program in grade 7 or 10 to adapt to the standards.
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Luxembourg School Information
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