Living In Ireland Guide 2024
Utilities Utilities describe the services provided by the electric, gas, television, and telephone companies. We do advise you to set up at direct debit with the utility provider, as most providers will charge you a €300 deposit if you do not have a direct debit in place for the payments, despite the small discount offered, as this is likely to result in the supplier overcharging and owing you money at the end of the tenancy, which can be difficult to recover. Your Dwellworks Consultant will be able to advise you regarding local providers in the area and assist you with utility setup. Gas and Electric Gas and electricity are billed based on usage as measured by meters. Your house or apartment will have its own meters which we will locate and show you when you move in. Bills are usually sent monthly or bi-monthly and may be based on “actual” or “estimated” readings (the bill will show which). An actual reading is one taken by the energy company’s representative in the previous few days. Most apartments have meters located in a publicly accessible place so you don’t have to be at home, some houses have meters within the property so they can only take a reading if you are available to let them check inside. If you receive an estimated bill you can have it re-issued with an accurate amount by taking your own reading and calling the company at the number shown on the bill. Have your customer number ready as most of these are automated systems. Water There are currently no water charges in Ireland, you are still required to register with Irish Water system, but no actual bill will be issued. Refuse and Recycling Domestic refuse and recycling collections are organised by local refuse provider. There are fees for the collection. Some Apartment complexes have communal refuse facilities and there are no charges for the communal refuse.
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