Do the buses have safety belts?
It is mandatory for all passengers in Hong Kong vehicles to wear safety belts.
Are there schools available for children with special needs?
Most schools can cater to mild and moderate special needs (i.e. ADHD etc.) in-house.
needs. If your child requires this kind of special needs educational support, it is best to apply as
soon as possible to these schools.
Special Needs Schools
The English Schools Foundation
www.esf.edu.hkThe Jockey ClubSarah Roe School
www.jcsrs.edu.hkThe Springboard Project
www.springboardhk.org/about.phpThe Rainbow Project
www.rainbowproject.orgThe Children’s Institute of HongKong
www.tcihk.orgChild Development Centre
At Matilda Hospital
school priortoadmissions?
Itis absolutelyessential that yoube completely honest with the schools youhaveapplied
to.Ifthe school feels you have kept a significant learning difficulty from them,they could possibly
howbesttohelp yourchildwith the information youprovide.
Are there opportunities for me to volunteer in my child’s new school as a parent helper?
Most schools in Hong Kong have PTA’s or Fundraising Committees that would love to have you on
their team.Thereareusuallyopportunities tohelpoutin theclassroomaswell.Thisneedstobe
discussedwith the schools that you are applying to as each school has different protocols and needs.