Doctors, Clinics and Pharmacists
ThequalityofcareinHongKongisexcellent.There isawidechoiceofhighlytrainedlocaland
expatriate physicians who practiceWestern medicine. Many have been trained in the U.S., the
U.K. and Australia.
It is customary here for doctors to prescribe drugs from their own pharmacies.This is certainly
convenient, andmeans you do not have to bother having theprescription filled ata pharmacy.
However,bygoing toachemistyouwillusuallygetthedrugscheaperthanatyourdoctor’soffice
and it iseasier to check expiry
dates.Ifyou do,be sure to purchasedrugs fromchemists of good
repute, as there is some risk of being sold counterfeit products here in Hong Kong.
Asthma and Children’s Respiratory Specialists/ Pediatricians
Dr. Alfred Tam
Room 818, 8/F, Central Building
1 Pedder Street, Central
Tel: 2526 6223
Emergencies Tel: 9737 8627
Dr. Stephen Hui
No. 8CottonTreeDrive, Central
Tel: 2526 5556
Dr. Adrian Wu
Immunology and Allergy
Suite 1428, Prince’s Building
10 Chater Road, Central
Tel: 2818 0180
Some of Hong Kong’s best cardiologists are affiliated with Adventist Hospital.
Dr. Carl Fung
City Health
Room1527, Prince’s Building
10 Chater Road, Central
Tel: 2526 1144
Dr. Archie Lo
306 Central Building
1-3 Pedder Street, Central
Tel: 2827 4311
Dr. P. King
Suite 1508 Prince’s Building
10 Chater Road, Central
Tel: 2523 4150
Drug trademarked names vary between
countries, often due to translation problems.
another name. Ask the pharmacist to check
their reference guide. It’s important to
available inHongKongso those are best
brought from your home country. Reputable
pharmacies includeMannings andWatsons,
their stores can be found in many locations.