Park’n Shop
Many locations
www.wellcome.com.hkOrganic Food
B2 Food Hall
555 Hennessy Road
Causeway Bay
Tel: 2833 8338
www.sogo.com.hkLots of Japanese food products and large
department store.
Food.com.hk www.homegrownfoods.com.hkForlocallyandethicallygrownfruitand
vegetables.Mostly organic. Delivered every
day and anywhere in Hong Kong.
iherb.com www.iherb.comOrganic food products from the US.
www.meatmarket.hkTel: 8135 1394
Meat and seafood.
Takeaway Food
Food by Web
Tel: 2805 1331
www.foodbyweb.com.hkA food delivery company, see their website
for the restaurants they deliver for.
Dial a Dinner
Tel: 2598 1718
www.dialadinner.com.hkA food delivery company, see their website
for the restaurants they deliver for.
The Porterhouse
www.porterhouse.com.hkTel: 2554 3765
Phenomenal steaks – mostly from the US.
Some seafood, too.
South Stream Seafoods
and New Zealand, delivered to your home
and often organic. Particularly good for
Soho Delivery
Tel: 2526 2029
www.sohodelivery.com.hkA food delivery company, see their website
for the restaurants they deliver for.
Secret Ingredient
Tel: 2108 4000
www.secretingredient.com.hkDelivers ready-to-make dinners, prepped,
choppedand ready to cook in lessthan30
minutes with instructions included.
Tenderloin Fine Food
www.tenderloin.com.hkA favourite for fantastic salmon, beef and
lamb at excellent prices. You can buy NZ
grassfed,AustralianandUSmeat. Agood
selection of choices delivered to your home.
Tasmania Fresh
www.tasmaniafresh.comTel: 8135 1394
Vegetables from Australia.