Domestic Pets
Although themajority of the people inHong Kong live in apartments, many people do have
household pets. However, bemindful that owning a pet in Hong Kong may limit the housing
options available to you; it is recommended that you advise your property agent before you begin
your propertysearch.
Many expatriates in Hong Kong keep pets: either family pets that have been brought to
Hong Kong,oranimals thathavebeenacquiredafterthe familyarrives.Ifyouplan tospend
time ina furnished temporary apartment, it is virtually impossible to find one that will allow
pets. So if you want to avoid an extended kennel stay for your pet,find a neighbor or friend at
homewho iswilling to keep yourpetuntil you aresettled here inyourpermanentapartment.
The fact that someapartmentsaresmallmaylimityourchoiceofanimal.
to muzzle your dog when going for walks as some park areas have poisonous baits set for
pest control purposes.
Another excellent source is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), a
charity which provides for abandoned,abused,lost and stray animals.They also havean
“adopt-a- pet” program. For more information, consult their website:
www.spca.org.hk/eng/home.asp.In general,wedonotrecommendpurchasingpetsfrom
themanypet-shopsor stalls—most are weanedtooearly,undernourished,severelyilland
possiblymistreated.Theyoftendieintheir early months and after many costly vet
Import / Export a Pet
Fordomesticpetssuchascatsanddogs,importing themtoHongKongcanbe relativelyeasy.
Each country has its own stringent regulations to check. A quarantine period might be required,
as well as necessary health certification from a qualified veterinarian.
1. Veterinary Health Certificate.
Issuednotmore than 14days before the departureof theanimal.Toverify the animal is fitto
travel, has no contagious diseases and not more than 4 months’ pregnant.
2. Residence Certificate.
Verifies the animal has been continuously residing in the country of origin for sixmonths,or
sincebirth.Alsocertifies therehasbeenno reportofrabies in thecountry forthose6months.
3. Rabies Vaccination Certificate.
Certificatethatlistsfulldetailsofall vaccinesgivento theanimal,provingthattheanimalhas
been vaccinated against rabies within the required time frame.
For more information on specific country requirements contact the Agriculture and
Fisheries Department.