As the name implies, the Mid-Levels is situated halfway up the mountain between the Peak and
Central. Because of its proximity toCentral, it is one of themost popular residential areas for
expatriates, and has by far the largest number of up-market residential buildings in Hong Kong,
many offering numerous sports amenities and shuttle services to Central.
Within walking distance are Hong Kong Park and the Botanical Gardens, with its zoo, playgrounds
and fountains. Several nursery schools, elementary and secondary schools including Glenealy and
Island School; various churches; Synagogue Ohel Leah; and Canossa Hospital are located in the
Kennedy Town
Kennedy Town, named after Arthur Edward Kennedy, 7th Governor of Hong Kong, is an old part of
HongKong inthewestendofHongKong island.Itwashome to thefirst Britishurbansettlements
in Hong Kong and still contains many historical buildings and parks.
a vibrant areaof HongKong that is attractive for those looking foran easy commute toCentral,
especially young singles or couples.
Atnight,itisoneoftheepicentersofentertainment withitsnewupandcomingbarsand
restaurants.Wanchai also has many of the stylish, small sized furnished serviced apartments as
wellpopularhotelswiththeirfashionable bars.Charming local streetmarkets surroundthese
modern buildings.
On the waterfront, you can visit The Convention Centre, frequently exhibiting international events
and drawing large international crowds from around the world. Residential developments like The
Morrision, The Zenith, Star Crest, J Residence are all attractive high rise buildings with dazzling
city litviewsoutacrosstheharbourtoTsimShaTsui.
North Point
iswellservicedbypublic transportation, easilyaccessible to theMTR,withineasyreachof
local markets and a country park, and about 20 minutes from Central. The modern high-rises
have superb facilities with good harbor views. The area has become a favorite with Japanese
expatriates because of its close proximity to the Japanese International School (secondary level)
and the many supermarkets that carry Japanese food items. The Chinese International School and
the Delia School of Canada are also located here.