Registering the Birth
Parents have42 days to register a birth.Aslongas thebirth isregisteredwithin the period there
childneednot be present. However,if thebirthdidnottakeplace in hospital it is necessary togo
to the Births and Deaths General Registry Office.
The birth can be registered by either parent(if they aremarried),or by themother if she is
unmarried. The following documents, plus copies, are necessary:
Marriage certificate of the parents (if applicable)
Hong Kong Identity Card of both parents, or proof of identity/passport
It iswise to ask for a copy of the certified entry of the birth. Expatriates may then register the birth
with their own consulate.Formore informationon registering the birth,please refer to the Hong
Kong Government website below:
www.gov.hk/en/residents/immigration/bdmreg/index.htmWorking and Maternity Leave
Legislation protects pregnant women in the workplace andwomen whowork more than 18
hours aweek are entitled to receive paidmaternity
leave.Itis inawoman’s best interests to let
heremployerknowassoonasthepregnancy isconfirmed. Many international firmsmayoffer
additional benefits than the basic legislation.