TAP Air Portugal
Tel: +852 2868 2313
www.flytap.comThai Air Asia
Tel: +852 2216 1088
www.airasia.comThai Airways
Tel: +852 2180 2180
www.thaiair.comTiger Airways
Tel: +852 2116 8730
www.tigerairways.comTurkish Airlines
Tel: +852 2116 8734
www.turkishairlines.comUS Airways
www.usairways.comUnited Airlines
Tel: +852 2810 4888
www.unitedairlines.com.hkVietnam Airlines
Tel: +852 2810 4896
www.vietnamair.com.vnVirgin Atlantic Airways
Tel: +852 2180 2180
www.virgin-atlantic.comXiamen Airlines
Tel: +852 2216 1088
The Airport
Hong Kong International Airport is located at Chek Lap Kok,Lantau Island.The airport has
numerous facilities,includinganextensive shoppingmall.Ifyouaremeeting visitors coming to
Hong Kong, remember that there are two arrival halls, ‘A’ and ‘B’. You should decide with your
incoming visitor at which hall you will meet. Passenger Information Kiosks are located throughout
the airport and display information on airport services and facilities and flight information.
Airport Transport
By Airport Express
TheAirport Express runsfrom6a.m.-1a.m.daily.The trains runevery10minutes.This service
caters toair-passengersand greeters/well-wishers.The trainstopsat three stationsand takes
fare is $100. A same-day return trip is also $100, for when you are picking up visitors from the
airport.You can also purchase a round-trip ticket.This allows you a trip to and from the airport
and is valid for onemonth.Youneed to purchase round-trip tickets from theCustomer ServiceDesk.
24-Hour Tel: 2881 8888