Hong Kong Identity Cards and Visas
Hong Kong Identity Cards (HKID)
Anyone entering Hong Kong must have at least six months validity remaining on their passports
Visitors planning to stay in Hong Kong for longer than 180 days must apply for a Hong Kong
Identity Card (HKID) within 30 days of arriving in Hong Kong. All Hong Kong residents aged 11 or
over are required to register for an identity card. The Hong Kong Identity card (HKID) is an official
identitydocumentissuedbythe ImmigrationDepartmentofHongKong.Thereare twotypesof
HKID card;
Hong Kong Identity Card:
To apply for the HKID card your Working Visa must be valid for more than 180 days. Once you
have your HKIDCard you areby lawrequired to carry it withyou atall times.
Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card.
TAfter seven years of continuous residence in Hong Kong, expatriates are entitled to apply
abode in the HK SAR, ensuring unlimited entry, the right to seek employment, the right to vote
in Hong Kong elections and stand for elected office.
For further details contact the Immigration Department.
To apply for your Hong Kong Identity card make an appointment with the Immigration Department.
Passport (with a valid stamped visa).
Two current passport photographs.
Check with the Immigration Department for the latest requirements for HKID applications.
www.gov.hk/en/residents/immigration/idcard/bookregidcard.htmImmigration Department
Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai. Tel: 2598 0888
Operating hours: Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Tourist Visa
Anyone entering Hong Kong must have at least six months validity remaining on their passports
Travelers from most Western and Asian countries are granted a visa free stay for a limited period
of time. The length of time varies on the country of origin. Presently UK citizens receive 180 days
whilemostothercountries inEurope,Australia,NewZealand,CanadaandtheUnitedStates
receive 90 days.MiddleEastern countries receive 14 or 30 days and someAsian andAfrican
countriesrequireapprovedvisas.Visa regulationsaresubjecttochange,visittheHongKong
Immigration Department website for a full list of tourist visa requirements.
Hong Kong Immigration
: www.immd.gov.hk