Summer Programs and Holiday Camps
Most international schools and preschools offer extracurricular activities during holidays or
weekends, over-prescribed courses give priority to enrolled students and their siblings. Here are a
few examples:
Brazilian Soccer Schools
Tel: 2385 9677
bss.com.hkEnglish Schools Foundation (ESF)
Educational Services
Tel: 2711 1280
Tel: 3149 7145
www.hkis.edu.hkGerman Swiss International School
Tel: 2849 6216
Tel: 2818 9453
www.playsport.com.hkCoaching and Fitness Professionals.
Multi-Sport Hong Kong
Various locations
www.multi-sport.com.hkCamps and year round classes of football,
tennis, swimming, and gym.
Woodland Pre-Schools
Various locations
www.woodlandschools.comEarly childhood classes and camps.
Shops for Children
Hong Kong has a vast number of stores for children’s equipment toys, furniture and clothes, both
maternity and for children; here are just a few options:
Bumps to Babes
www.bumpstobabes.comOne stop shop for all baby and toddler needs.
www.ikea.com.hkSee website for location of stores Hong Kong
Island, Kowloon &N.T..
It’s Imagical
www.itsimagical.hkSee website for location of stores Hong Kong
and Kowloon.
www.mothercare.com.hkSee website for location of stores Hong Kong
Island and Kowloon.
Toys “R” Us
www.toysrus.com.hkSee website for location of stores Hong Kong
Island and Kowloon.