Hong Kong Orientation Guide
Government Hospitals
Government hospitals provide good service and are fully subsidized, therefore, you would only pay for the bed and admittance,which is aminimal amount.Some public hospitals have private rooms.Although this is a littlemore expensive, it is still a lot cheaper than a private hospital.The downsideofagovernmenthospital isthatyoudonotnecessarily seethesame doctor everytime you visit and therefore do not get the opportunity to build a rapport with a single doctor during yourpregnancy.Itispossible thatadoctoryoumayhavenevermetbefore willdeliver yourbaby. Inaddition,manyofthepublichospitalshavestrictvisitingrulesandthese rulesmayincludeyour husbandvisitingandpresenceatthebirth.Therefore,pleaseensureyou checkwiththehospital to fully understand the visitation policy. Many of theprivate hospitals are like five starhotelswith some of the rooms boasting balconies and views of Hong Kong.The labour wards in these hospitals are first class and comewith the latest equipment, trained nurses and support staff. In addition, there is a nursery and mothers can send their baby to the nursery to be cared for whilst theyget some rest. The majority of private hospitals offer complete maternity packages that include the room, food, equipment for the baby, initial vaccinations etc. The package does not include the obstetrician, pediatrician and anesthesiologist, which all come with very high fees. Be aware that not all health insurance policies will cover maternity or childbirth. The length of time spent in hospital will depend on the hospital and on the circumstances surrounding the birth; it is thereforeworthwhile checkingallof thematernitypackagesat thevarious hospitals and feel free to take a tour of the hospital prior tomaking your decision. Educational programmes on pregnancy and childcare-related topics are available at MCHCs. Other organizations such as La Leche League also offer prenatal advice and classes. Some services are free of charge. The majority of public hospitals provide ante-natal classes for asmallfee. Midwifery services and private organizations can support women through the pregnancy, birth and beyond. Private hospitals also offer pre-natal care at a cost. Contact the hospital directly for details of services and charges. Private Hospitals Advice and Organizations
Expatriates living in Hong Kong wanting to adopt must have spent at least twelve months in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Applications are handled by the Hong Kong Social and Welfare Department.
SWD Adoption Unit
4/F, HarbourBuilding 38Pier Road,Central Hong Kong Tel: 2852 3107 www.swd.gov.hk
Advice and Organizations
La Leche League
Tel: 2947 7147 www.lllhk.org
Free breastfeeding information and support. Monthly meetings for interested mothers. Large lending library on all parenting topics.
First Steps in Mother and Baby Care
Tel: 2849 1515 www.matilda.org
Post-Natal Care
After delivery,all womenareprovidedwithpost-natal checkupsandadviceon familyplanning and contraception via the government’sMaternal and ChildHealth Centers (MCHCs).The centers also help post-natal mothers by setting up support groups and experience-sharing sessions, as well as providing individual counseling if this is necessary.Details of the fees and charges for these services areavailableon theFamilyHealthWebsite.Again eligiblewomenwill find that many of these services are provided free of charge.
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