Hygiene / General Health
HongKongair can be very pollutedat times,someseasonsareworse forairpollution than
In summer, the sea breeze provides a clean air supply; however, in winter, the northeast
carries dust fromnorth China, and the air is not as clean.The elderly, children and those with
respiratory problems should heed warnings that are issued when the Air Pollution Index is
particularly high. Contact lens wearers are more susceptible to eye infections due to high levels of
Snakes and Snakebites
Mostpeoplecanlive inHongKongforyearsandneverencounterasnake.Nonetheless,Hong
Kong does have some poisonous snakes. Snakebites are uncommon—most occur after summer
rains and at
night.Ifyou intend to do a lot of hiking on remote trails, or have a garden we
would recommend that you contact the Hong Kong Conservation Department of Agriculture and
Fisheries (2708-8885) for more information about poisonous snakes and precautions to take. In
an emergency, go to the Queen Elizabeth (Kowloon side) or Queen Mary (Hong Kong Island side)
Hospitals, as they keep anti-venom treatment on hand.
The water in Hong Kong is safe to drink as it meets World Health Organization criteria. However,
themajorproblem inolderbuildings isoldwaterpipesthatgeneratesedimentandtrapbacteria.
The simplest solution is to purchase an inexpensive water purifier that can be attached to the
faucet. Filters must be replaced on a regular basis.This is not necessary in newer buildings,
although youmightnotlike the taste of HongKong’stapwater.
Hong Kong water is also fluoridated, so your children will not be getting fluoride if they drink
distilled bottled water.Also if you and your family drink only distilled water, you run the risk of
flushing your systemof important minerals,particularly after exercise or long exposure to the
heat. You may choose to use bottled water for drinking purposes and tap water for cooking. There
are two bottled water companies that will deliver to your home.Youmust purchase the water
cooler base, which is available from either supplier.
Watsons Distilled Water
Tel: 2660 6688
www.watsons-water.comBonaqua Mineral and Distilled Water
Tel: 2210 3311
www.bonaqua.com.hkSome find that purchasing a water purifier that is fitted to a kitchen faucet is a good solution to
the Hong Kong water dilemma. This is more economical solution than using a water supplier and
theminerals and fluoride is retained in thewater. For smaller households Brita canisters and
Phillipsfiltration systemsarepopular andavailableatWingOn,Fortress stores&some larger