Hong Kong Orientation Guide
Organic Food
Food Stores
Mostlocalsupermarketstores likePark’n Shophaveanorganicsection,buttheyare notlikelytoofferasmanyorganicproducts as the international supermarkets or the boutique organic stores. The international supermarket“ThreeSixty”islikelyto have more organic products than most supermarkets. There are several private foodimporterswhichhavecroppedupin Hong Kong in recent years serving hotels, restaurantsandhandleprivatehome delivery,too.
There are two main supermarket chains in Hong Kong and a growing number of specialty food stores for international imports and international cuisines.
The two major chains are “Wellcome” and “Park’n Shop.” Both are clearly branded by colour. Blue for Park’n Shop andWellcome is predominantly red.
Both of these stores supply groceries, fresh produce and international beverages. While they can be found all over Hong Kong some are more tailored to the international tastes than others, depending on the location of the store. Park’nShop has now introduced International, Taste and Fusion stores whilst Wellcome has rebranded its more up-market shops and named them Jasons or MarketPlace by Jasons.
The most popular supermarkets offering international imports on a grand scale are City Super, Great,Oliver’sandThreeSixty.
A&M US Groceries
Great Food Hall
38-48 Queen’s Road Central Tel: 2548 8280 30-32 Connaught Road
Basement, Two Pacific Place Admiralty Tel: 2918 9986 www.greatfoodhall.com
Tel: 2548 8200 Stanley Plaza Tel: 3489 0405
Stocks over 5,000 US-made products. The closest thing to Costco in Hong Kong.
2/F, Prince’s Building Central Tel: 2810 7710 oliversdeli@dairy-farm.com.hk
City Super
Three Sixty
Times Square, Basement One Causeway Bay Tel: 2506 2888
Elements Shop 1090, 1/F Union Square Kowloon Tel: 2196 8066 www.threesixtyhk.com
IFC Mall
Central Tel: 2234 7128 Harbour City Tsim Sha Tsui New Town Plaza Shatin
2nd floor, UnicornTradeCentre, 131 DesVoeux Road Central Tel: 2545 0338 Stocks American products.
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