Hong Kong Orientation Guide
Do the schools in Hong Kong offer varied sporting activities or after school activities?
MOVE TO QUICK REFERENCE SECTION AS A BREAK OUT Community Advice Bureau (CAB) for any questions related to living and working in Hong Kong. It is a unique and totally free service operated by volunteers with access to professional support.
Thereareactive interschool athletic competitions inmanysportswith themostnotablebeing soccer, rugby, swimming and field hockey. After school activities vary from school to school but anything is on offer from Brownies, Cubs, athletics, educational programs and interest courses. Hong Kong even has a flourishing ice hockey association for children and adults!
My child is exceptionally bright. Will the schools in Hong Kong be able to cater for this?
Monday to Friday
Please relaythisto theschools thatyouareapplyingto.Allschoolsdo theirbesttoenrichthe program for the gifted.
9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tel: 2815 5444 www.cab.org.hk
How can I help settle my child into school?
Playdatesareafunwaytohelpyourchildtomeetwiththeirnewfriendsinamorerelaxed setting. It also helps you tomeet newpeople and start the settling in process. Be patient. It is a big change in all of your lives.Volunteer at your child’s school. If your child feels you are a part oftheirschool,itprovides comfortandcanease the transition forthem.Italsoestablishesafine supportnetofnew like-mindedadultsforyou. Signing your child up for after school activities is also a great way to ease the transition to a new culture.It is important to remain positive.Of course youwill miss home,but remember,this is a normal partofthesettling inprocess.Getinvolved,keeppositiveandaboveall else,bepatient. You will be surprised how fast Hong Kong will become home.
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