Hong Kong Orientation Guide

Programs and Support for Special Needs Children

Hong Kong Academy

The Children’s Institute of

TheParent’sAssociationofPre-School Handicapped Children Unit 1-2A, G/F, Tsz Fung House FungTakEstate, DiamondHill, Kowloon Tel: 2324 6099 www.parentsassn.org.hk Advocacy group for pre-school children, as well as school-age children and adults.

4/FChung On Hall, 15 Stubbs Road Happy Valley Tel: 2575 8282

Hong Kong 2nd Floor, Kennedy Town Centre 23 Belcher’s Street

admin@hkacademy.edu.hk www.hkacademy.edu.hk

Kennedy Town Tel: 2812 2144 info@tcihk.org www.tcihk.org

Korean International School

55 Lei King Road Sai Wan Ho 2569 5500 www.kis.edu.hk

Watchdog Early Learning and Development Centre

The Harbour School

2nd Floor, Kennedy Town Centre 23 Belcher’s Street

G/F,EastWing,12Borrett RoadCentral Tel: 2521 7364

Korean International School teaches an educationprogramcalledSpringboard for children ages 5 to 18,who havebeen diagnosed as being mild to moderately developmentally delayed, and/or speech and small-language delayed—including Down’s Syndrome and autism—or as having global or other pervasive development disorders. Integration opportunities are available.

Kennedy Town Te: 2816 5222

info@watchdog.org.hk www.watchdog.org.hk

info@theharbourschool.edu.hk www.theharbourschool.edu.hk

Both centers offer early intervention programs for special needs children from birth to age 6,including individual education programs.

Matilda Child Development Centre

41Mount Kellett Road,The Peak Tel: 2849 6138 info@cdchk.org www.cdchk.org

English Schools Foundation (ESF) Special Unit 25 Floor, Fortis Centre, Quarry Bay Tel: 2574 2351 www.esf.edu.hk

The Rainbow Project

Since the merger of The Springboard Project andChild Development Centre in 2008,theyhave beenable tooffer a wider continuum of services for children aged 0-21.

Tel: 2537 0114 rainbow@rainbowproject.org www.rainbowproject.org

Hong Kong Academy offers an inclusion system,withtheintentofintegratingspecial needs children into mainstream classrooms as much as possible. In 2001, Hong Kong AcademyopenedthefirstRainbowProject classroom to address autism-specific education in a small setting, assisted by a specifically-trained teacher, teaching assistants,aspeech therapistandan occupational therapist.

ESF Beacon Hill School

23EdeRoad,KowloonTong Tel: 2336 5221 www.beaconhill.edu.hk

The Springboard Project Ltd.

2A, 122 Pokfulam Road Pokfulam Tel: 2813 4508 info@springboard.hk.org www.growingtogether.org.hk/ springboard/index.aspx

ESF Jockey Club Sarah Roe School

2BTinKwongRd,Homantin, Kowloon Tel: 2761 9893 www.jcsrs.edu.hk

Since the merger of The Springboard Project and Child Development Centre in 2008, they have beenable to offer awider continuumof services for children aged 0-21.

ESF South Island School

50 NamFung Rd, Shouson Hill Tel: 2555 9313 www.sis.edu.hk Secondary ESF school for children ages 11 through18.


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