Home Buyer's Guide- Seattle 2021 - Roy

OFFER NEGOTIATIONS Many factors influence how your offer to purchase a property may be structured. Careful consideration and research will be made to determine the best offer for the situation. Your offer will be thoroughly discussed so you understand what the offer includes and why. As the buyer, you make the final decision based on my guidance and recommendations. Generally, the following aspects impact your offer:

• Location of the home • How long it has been on the market • Multiple offers • Condition of the property • Your overall desire to purchase the home

I put my negotiation skills on display for my buyers to create a win/win scenario that both buyer and seller feel happy with. Sometimes those skills come in the form of “winning” the home through my guidance, expertise, connections, and relationships. Other times I can integrate more favorable buyer terms agreed upon by the seller.


• Purchase price • Earnest money deposit amount and due date • Closing date • Included contingencies • Possession date • Items included in the sale (refrigerator, washer, dryer, etc.)

• Assumption of pending assessments • Seller closing credit to buyer (if any) OTHER NEGOTIATION TACTICS:

• Best and final purchase price • Escalation clause increasing purchase price incrementally against other offers • High earnest money deposit • Waiving home inspection • Performing a pre-inspection before offering • Quick closing (21 days or less) • Waiving the right to revoke your offer based on the seller disclosure • Making earnest money non-refundable • Offering additional funds down in the event of low appraisal • Waiving the low appraisal term • Waiving the financing contingency at a certain point or completely • Seller rent back or delayed possession

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