General Tenants Obligations 2024
General Tenants Obligations
Trip Switch Modern electric circuits are fitted with a circuit breaker fuse system. If a fault develops, a switch is tripped. If you have a trip switch, it will be on or near your fuse box, your fuse box will always be near to your electricity meter. You should always locate your trip switch and fuse box when you first move into a property - before an emergency occurs. Your trip switch should have a 'push to test' or a 'reset' button. Switches can trip for several reasons: + An over loaded circuit - too many electrical appliances used at once + A faulty appliance + Over filled kettle + Faulty connections on appliance leads. + Faulty emersion heater If a switch has tripped because of one of these reasons, you should flick it back on and then re plug items one by one. If the switch trips again, you will know that that item is faulty. Electric Shock Most of us take electricity for granted as an easy way to power our homes but we should also be aware of the dangers. Electric shocks can cause anything from a slight discomfort to severe burns to heart failure. Electric shock can be caused by any of the following: + Faulty appliances + Damaged cords or extension leads + An electrical appliance coming in contact with water + Faulty household wiring Water Leaks For help and information on leaks, bursts, burst mains, water pressure and other water or sewerage related problems your water supplier is Irish Water 1890 278 278 If you have a leak or a problem with sewerage call your landlord immediately. Fair Wear & Tear “Reasonable use of the premises by the Tenant and the ordinary operation of natural forces (i.e., the passage of time).” It is not reasonable for a Tenant or Occupant to cause damage to the premises without preventative steps having been taken to avoid further lost to the Landlord. Dilapidated Describes something old and in poor condition: + “The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated.” + A dilapidated old car/shed Dilapidation The farmhouse fell into a state of dilapidation Compensate To pay someone money in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some inconvenience
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