General Tenants Obligations 2024
General Tenants Obligations
Stains / Burns on Carpets and Soft Furnishings If during your tenancy you stain your carpet, or any soft furnishing please try your utmost to eradicate the stain immediately. If left for too long it will stain permanently, and your Landlord will be within his rights to claim for a carpet replacement. Another common claim is for iron burns on carpets. Please avoid ironing on your carpet and use an ironing board. Some hints on what to do when you have a stain or spillage: 1. Soak up spillage with absorbent tissue or cloth 2. Remove solids with a blunt knife 3. Add a little COLD water to stain/spillage and sponge off gently, (never use hot water - this can damage fibre and set the stain.) 4. Blot again with tissues/cloth until the spillage is removed + NEVER allow stains to dry out + NEVER over saturate wet stains - this causes them to spread + NEVER rub or scrub soiled area Work Surface Cuts A common claim is the repairing or replacement of work surfaces due to scratches, nicks, gauges etc caused by sharp utensils. In all instances use a chopping board or protective surface when using a knife or any other sharp object. Marks to Walls and Woodwork When moving items to and from rooms please beware of dragging any items against walls or woodwork. Scuff marks are virtually impossible to repair and therefore need repainting or papering which would result in a claim for the full cost of redecoration. Stains on furniture Surfaces stains are extremely difficult to eradicate without sanding and re-polishing or in the worst case replacing. The most common surface stains are ring marks caused by mugs, plates, pots or candle wax. When using any kitchenware please ensure that the appropriate covering is used such as coasters, placemats or tablecloths. Candle wax on surfaces can be avoided by using suitable candle holders or trays (please ensure that these are fire and heat proof). Another claim which is common is burn marks on surfaces normally caused by pots taken off the stove and put down on the kitchen worktops. Please ensure that when taking a pot off the stove that this is placed on either a trivet or an appropriate heat proof mat. Unreported Repairs Any maintenance or repairs needed throughout your tenancy that are classed as Landlord’s maintenance should be reported to your landlord or their Agents in writing and without delay. Any issues that are left unreported will become the Tenant’s responsibility and the Landlord is within their rights to claim against the Tenant for any costs involved over and above the actual repair. For example, a leak that is left unreported may cause further damage such as mould in which case the Tenant would also be responsible for the removal of the mould. Pet Damage Pet damage can be the highest non-negotiable claim. If the landlord has allowed you to bring a pet(s) with you and your pet(s) cause damage, you as a Tenant have a very limited chance of being able to negotiate the repair/ replacement costs.
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