Gatwick School Guide for Schlumberger

You can do this by:

+ Reading the information from the local authority, your relocation consultant can help you to obtain this + Look at school websites or contacting schools to ask for a copy of their prospectus, although not all schools will have one + Visiting schools on special open days or making an appointment + Looking at OFSTED inspection reports (see the section on OFSTED following this) + Looking at school performance tables OFSTED Inspection Reports OFSTED stands for ‘Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills’. They report directly to the government and are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people.

Each school has an OFSTED report and will be graded as one of the following;

1. Outstanding 2. Good 3. Requires Improvement 4. Inadequate

You can check a school report through the following website;

English Language Support

All state schools have access to ESL (English as a second language) teachers and can request more support from the Local Authority as needed. Special Needs Assistance (SEN) If your child has special needs of any king you will be put in contact with a ‘SEN co-ordinator’ at the local authority who will advise you on which schools can offer the correct assistance for your child’s needs following an assessment Transport for School State schools rarely have a bus service and most children should be within walking distance of their school. If the school offered is more than 2 miles from your home for children aged 7 or under, or more than 3 miles for children aged 7 upwards, then the local authority has to provide transport and this tends to be a taxi. The local authority will be able to provide you with more information on this. Class Size Classes are usually a maximum of 30 children and in reception year, year 1 and year 2 this is a legal limit. Lower primary classes often have a classroom assistant for all or part of the day.


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