Explore Bloomington IN

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Explore Bloomington – Indiana Area Guide

Table of Contents Coming to the US ................................................................................... 3 Welcome to United States! ...................................................................................................................... 4 Facts About the U.S. ................................................................................................................................ 4 Public Holidays ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Emergency................................................................................................................................................ 5 Time Zones ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Etiquette.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Explore .................................................................................................... 8 Bloomington, IN ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Indianapolis, IN......................................................................................................................................... 9 Settle...................................................................................................... 10 Social Security Number ......................................................................................................................... 11 Healthcare............................................................................................................................................... 11 Roads & Highways................................................................................................................................. 12 Public Transportation ............................................................................................................................ 13 Mobile ..................................................................................................................................................... 13 Climate.................................................................................................................................................... 14 Grocery Stores ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Local Attractions.................................................................................................................................... 16

The information contained herein is for general informational purposes only. Dwellworks makes every effort to provide current and correct information, but it does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein.

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Explore Bloomington – Indiana Area Guide

Coming to the US

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Explore Bloomington – Indiana Area Guide

Welcome to United States! An international move can be both an exciting and challenging experience. This Dwellworks Resource Guide is intended to provide important information for the US and Information that will be of use in your new location of Bloomington, IN. On behalf of the Dwellworks team, we welcome you to the US and hope you will find this information helpful. Facts About the U.S. + Official Country Name: United States of America + Capital City: Washington, DC (District of Columbia) + Official Language: The US does not have an official language; however, English is the primary language spoken by the general public + Official Religion: The US Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, so there is no official religion; however, the predominant religion is Christianity + Currency: United States Dollar (USD), $ + Weights and Measurements: US Customary System + Electricity/Voltage: The standardized voltage for the US is 110 Volts, though 220 Volt power is used for large appliances, such as refrigerators

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Public Holidays Most schools, banks, and government offices close on national public holidays. The US Postal Service does not deliver mail on these days.



*New Year’s Day

January 1

January 15. In honor of the birthday of the late civil rights leader (Observed on the following Monday). Third Monday in February. Combined celebration of Abraham Lincoln's birthday on February 12 and George Washington's birthday on February 22. Last Monday in May. In remembrance of all who died serving the US in wartime. July 4. Commemorating US independence; usually celebrated with parades and fireworks. First Monday in September. To honor all workers. Second Monday in October. Commemorating Christopher Columbus discovering America. November 11. To honor all veterans of the US military. Fourth Thursday in November. Commemorates the original Colonial American settlers’ first fall harvest. Turkey is traditionally served for the meal. December 25. The only religious holiday that is officially observed.

Martin Luther King Day

Presidents’ Day

*Memorial Day

*Independence Day

*Labor Day

Columbus Day

Veterans Day


*Christmas Day

*Days when most businesses are closed in observance of the holiday.

Emergency IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY DIAL 911 FOR FIRE, POLICE, AND AMBULANCE Any time you are in serious danger or witness an accident or a crime, dial 911 immediately. If possible, remain on the phone with the 911 operator until help arrives. If the person calling 911 is unable to speak English, they can tell the operator what language they speak. The 911 Operator can access an interpreter to assist with the translation. They will ask for your name, address, and phone number so it is important to have this information accessible to all members of your family. In the event a potentially dangerous substance is ingested, contact one the following: + Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 + Animal Poison Control: 1-800-548-2423

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Time Zones Local Time Zone

There are nine standard time zones across the US and its territories. The four zones covering the 48 contiguous states are Pacific Standard Time, Mountain Standard Time, Central Standard Time, and Eastern Standard Time. Alaska Time Zone covers most of Alaska, and Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone covers Alaska’s Aleutian, and the Hawaiian Islands.



Daylight Saving Time Daylight Savings Time (DST) was adopted by the US in 1918 as “An Act to preserve daylight and provide standard time for the US” Americans advance their clocks one hour during the summer months, resulting in an “extra” hour of daylight. The act was created to save energy, by reducing the amount of electricity used in the morning and evening. Although the date changes each year, generally it is the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November.

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Etiquette Greetings and Introductions

In the US, a greeting to a new or old friend is, “Hi! How are you?” or “How are you doing?” This phrase is common between two people, even if not literally asking how that person is. It is a conversation starter and generally considered a polite thing to ask. Handshakes are very common when first meeting someone, especially in business but this practice has been shifting due to recent sanitary concerns. If you are not familiar with the social situation or the people you are with, allow them to take the lead. First impressions are very important in the American culture, so engaging in an introduction and light-conversation is a good way to make a great first impression. A firm handshake combined with adequate personal space and good eye contact is appropriate during a typical greeting. Addressing People It is important to know the title of the person to whom you are speaking. These may include Doctor or Professor. Also, when greeting someone, it is polite to use their name to show that they had a memorable impact on you. Business Etiquette The traditional office dress is formal business attire unless otherwise noted. For men this generally means a suit and tie, while women will dress in a suit or dress and jacket. Business casual for men can include khaki or dark slacks, paired with a polo or button-down shirt. A woman can wear a nice blouse or sweater with slacks. If you are unsure what to do, it is better to be overdressed than to be underdressed. Check the company dress code for instructions. In the US, business is conducted rapidly. There is very little small talk before discussing the business matters at hand. At most meetings, it is common to attempt to reach an oral agreement before the meeting adjourns. Typical business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., usually with an hour lunch break around noon. Punctuality Everyone’s time is equally important, and therefore punctuality is imperative. When a meeting has a start time, participants aim to be punctual, even arriving a few minutes early if possible. If you are going to be late, it is considered polite to alert the meeting organizer. Tipping Practices Service employees who count on tips include restaurant wait staff, bartenders, hotel maid, bellman, doorman, concierge, and room service delivery person. Other service employees who expect tips regularly include hairdressers, cab drivers, parking attendants, tour guides, car wash attendants, pet groomers, and delivery people. You do not need to tip at fast food restaurants, in cafeterias, at self- service buffets, a laundry mat, utility repairmen, grocery store cashiers or baggers, nurses or doctors, real estate agents, travel agents, or postal service personnel. Tips are based on the cost and quality of the service provided. In most cases, a tip of 15% to 20% of the cost is appropriate. Though, when the tip amounts to only a few coins, one dollar per item is a courtesy.

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Explore Bloomington – Indiana Area Guide

Bloomington, IN

Bloomington is a city south west of Indianapolis and slightly south east of Spencer. It is known for spectacular scenery offering many outdoor activities. Bloomington describes itself as having a unique character and welcomes both dreamers and doers. Bloomington is home to Indiana University campus; over 50,000 students call the city their home. .

Commute time to the office: 17 to 22 min Commute to Indianapolis: 45 min to an hour Indianapolis, IN

Located in Marion County, Indianapolis is the state capital and most-populous city of the state of Indiana. Indianapolis is home to several industries including education, life science and advanced manufacturing, pharmaceutical and technology. Popularly known as “Indy” and packed with sporting attractions ranging from motor racing tracks to great places to eat and drink, Indianapolis is a true gem of a city.

Commute time to the office: 20 to 25 min Commute to Bloomington: 45 min to an hour

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Explore Bloomington – Indiana Area Guide

Social Security Number A Social Security Number (SSN) is necessary for US payroll, income tax, and to establish credit. If you already have SSN as a result of a prior residence in the US, (school or previous work assignment) this number is still valid. Whether you have a SSN in hand or not, a visit to the Social Security Administration (SSA) is needed to update your visa status, and, if you did not retain your original card, obtain a replacement. A visit in person is necessary to apply for a Social Security Number. The form can be printed online, but you cannot apply online. To print the form, click the following link: www.ssa.gov/forms/ss-5.pdf. + To arrange your appointment call: 1-877-819-2594 + The Social Security Administration office is located at the following location: 515 W Patterson Dr. Bloomington, IN 47403 Note: Expect delays in obtaining an appointment due to COVID-19, is important to list the address where they are staying on the application. Many postal carriers will not deliver the Social Security Card unless they have assurances that the living accommodations are aware that it is coming. Social Security Number is a critical piece of personal identification, so it is important to help ensure it arrives safely. In addition, the following documentation will be required to confirm your US immigration status: + Arrival/Departure Record (I-94). Visit to obtain: 94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/home + Valid Passport + Visa Healthcare You will find healthcare in America to be quite different than what you would find at home. In the United States, the hospital Emergency Room (ER) is truly intended for emergencies. The ER would be more than capable of helping you with your sore throat or queasy stomach, but the cost will be ten times higher if you choose to go to the hospital. Therefore, any non-life-threatening medical needs should be covered by a walk-in clinic. A few of the pharmacies in Bloomington offer walk-in clinics which is quite convenient since any necessary prescription can quickly be filled right on the premises. For a guide related to COVID-19 visit: go.dwellworks.com/covid-19-news-hub Some of the locations and contacts are: + CVS Walk-In Clinic/Pharmacy: 3rd Street - (812) 332-1419 or 4444 SR W 46 - (812) 876-2915

+ IU Health Bloomington Walk-In: 550 S. Landmark Avenue - (812) 330-3688 + IU Health Urgent Health Care: 326 S. Woodscrest Drive - (812) 353-6888

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Roads & Highways Interstate and US Routes

Bloomington is in the southern part of Indiana and is just over an hour from Indianapolis, Indiana. You are also within three hours of three other major cities - Cincinnati, Ohio, Dayton, Ohio, and Louisville, Kentucky. You can get to Indianapolis by taking I-69 and IN-37. There are no tolls on this path, so you could be in Indianapolis within an hour or so if you hop on I-69 headed North.


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Public Transportation Bloomington offers a transit bus which covers most of the city. Due to COVID-19 recent changes all local buses are free of charge and mask in compulsory during the ride. A number of different routes and ticket options are available, so it would be best to check the website for up-to-date information and pricing: bloomingtontransit.com Other traveling options If you need to get across town when the Bloomington bus is not available, these other options are available for you. The fare is determined based on the distance you have to go and can be determined by going to the website. + Lyft: www.lyft.com/rider/cities/bloomington-in + Uber: www.uber.com Taxis Several options and companies are offering the service. Fares differ between areas, so it is recommended that you call the service to find out the estimated cost as well as what forms of payment are accepted. Bus and Shuttle Traveling to downtown Indianapolis or the Indianapolis airport is possible. The cost of Go Express and Greyhound ranges from $13 - $19 one-way. These are some providers: + Go Express Travel: goexpresstravel.com + Greyhound: www.greyhound.com/en-us/bus-station-260106 Mobile Most mobile phone providers require that a US Social Security Number be established prior to obtaining a contract for service. While a contract may be possible, you may have to pay an expensive deposit before establishing service. Several mobile phone providers offer prepaid plans, which allows mobile phone service without a contractual agreement. Most prepaid plans offer international long- distance plans. This type of service requires the user to purchase additional minutes on an as-needed basis. Below are a few of the major mobile companies in the US, including: + Verizon Wireless : www.verizonwireless.com + Red Tire Taxi: (812) 269-2690 + Safe Ride Taxi: (812) 332-8556

+ AT&T : www.att.com/wireless + T-Mobile : www.t-mobile.com

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Climate May, June, and September are the most pleasant months in Bloomington, with high temperatures in the range of 24/28 °C. January and December are the least comfortable months with the low being -5/-3 °C. July is the hottest month for Bloomington with an average temperature of 24 °C. As well as being the hottest month, July is also the wettest with an average rainfall of 42.5 mm. The approximate annual rainfall in the area is close to 356.5 mm per year.

Month January February

Average High/Low Temperatures

23/39 °F 25/43 °F 34/54 °F 43/66 °F 54/75 °F 63/85 °F 66/86 °F 63/84 °F 55/79 °F 43/66 °F 36/54 °F

-5/4 °C -4/6 °C 1/12 °C 6/19 °C 12/24 °C 17/28 °C 19/30 °C 17/29 °C 13/26 °C 6/19 °C 2/12 °C


April May June






State Tax The State of Indiana has established a tax over purchases consisting of 7%, this is applicable to all purchases excluding groceries that are an exemption.

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Grocery Stores Bloomington, Indiana has a lot of different grocery stores to meet your needs from Aldi out of Germany to Kroger which is based in Cincinnati, Ohio. All of them will offer a wide variety of staples to help you cook to your heart’s content. Fresh Thyme Market and Bloomingfoods offer more of a farmer’s market feel whereas La Bonita Restaurant and Market will be your go-to place for Mexican and South American flavor. Almost all grocery stores will have an ethic section in them, but La Bonita will likely have brand names with which

you are already familiar. Some popular locations: + Aldi: Grocery store chain, based out of Germany ‒ 2813 E 3rd Street ‒ 2035 S. Liberty Drive + Bloomingfoods - Co-op: Organic foods and produce ‒ 200 Daniels Way + Fresh Thyme ‒ 3600 3rd Street + Kroger: Chain Supermarket and store ‒ 528 S. College Avenue ‒ 1175 S. College Mall Road + La Bonita Restaurant and Market: Hispanic market products ‒ 1709 N. College Avenue

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Local Attractions Bloomington and surrounding suburbs boast countless attractions that draw visitors each year. The following website offer a full visit: www.visitbloomington.com Arts and Culture Some attractions may adopt seasonal operating hours given the current measures. It is recommended to check their websites.

+ Eskenazi Museum of Art: artmuseum.indiana.edu + WonderLab Science Museum: www.wonderlab.org + Buskirk-Chumley Theater: buskirkchumley.org + Wylie House Museum: libraries.indiana.edu/wylie-house-museum + Pictura Gallery: thefar.org/pictura-gallery/exhibits

Parks and Recreation Bloomington and surrounding areas feature excellent options for outdoors recreation. For a full list of places visit: bloomington.in.gov/parks

+ Hoosier National Forest: www.fs.usda.gov/hoosier + Monroe Lake: www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2954.htm + Indianapolis Zoo: www.indianapoliszoo.com + Eagle Creek Park: eaglecreekpark.org

Shopping Centers There is no lack of shopping centers and malls in the area. Some of the most popular are: + Fountain Square Mall: fountainsquarebloomington.com + College Mall: www.simon.com/mall/college-mall

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