Fifth Year
Fifth Year
Premiere Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB)/French Baccalauréat
6th Form (A level)
Terminale Final Exams Internationale du Baccalauréat
Sixth Year (Leaving Cert)
Sixth Year (Leaving Cert)
(OIB)/French Baccalauréat
Primary School Curriculum: Languages, mathematics, social, environmental and scientific education; Arts education, including visual arts, music and drama) Physical education: Social personal and health education. The Irish national curriculum has been updated and expanded within the last few years. It is at a very high standard although it is a different system from American and British schools. + Start - September after the 4th birthday generally, however the compulsory starting age is 6. + Duration 8 years. + Primary school Curriculum New Primary Language Curriculum for English and Irish - Junior Infants to Second Class The new curriculum for English and Irish is for all children from Junior Infants to Second Class in all schools (English medium schools, Gaeltacht schools, Irish medium schools and Special schools). More information can be found online at: New-Junior-infants-2nd-class into the Junior Cycle, Transition Year and the Senior Cycle - Duration 5/6 years* The Junior Cycle is three years: The Junior Certificate is an educational qualification awarded in Ireland in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects (usually 11) by Students aged 14 to 15. Twenty-six subjects are currently available, however, not all schools offer them. Education to Junior Cert level is required of students who study for their leaving certificate. The Junior Cert is supervised by the State Examinations Commission *Transition Year is an optional one-year, school-based programme between Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle. Secondary School Following Primary School, children attend Secondary or Post Primary Schools. This is split
Senior cycle education in Ireland may be of two or of three year's duration. Students may follow a two-year Leaving Certificate programme or they may take an additional optional year at the start of their senior cycle. This year is called Transition Year.
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Education in Ireland
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