Education in Ireland

If you end up having to travel a considerable distance to bring your child to school, you may need to consider asking each school between your nearest school and where you eventually choose or end up for a brief note saying that they could not offer you a place because they were full. You may need this if you decide to seek financial support for the additional transport costs from the School Transport Section in the Department of Education and Science. And it would be best to keep a copy of these letters. When you have enrolled your child in a school, you need to write a letter along the following lines:




School Transport Section, Department of Education and Science, Portlaoise Road,

Tullamore, Co. Offaly

My child’s name is Date of Birth: Our Address is

I tried the following schools but was unable to get a place for my child in any of them because they said they were full.

I finally had to enrol my child in the following school

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Education in Ireland

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