ESG Impact Report 2023-2024

In 2024 we’re undertaking a Materiality Assessment to update our understanding of stakeholder expectations for ESG and to align our priorities and the impact to our business accordingly. Based on feedback and direction from stakeholders we’ve accumulated to date, our survey design and questions will focus on Compliance and Controls, Employee Well Being and Talent Strategies, Environment and Sustainability, and Social Impact. We will report out the assessment analysis later this year, with a complete update in our 2024-2025 ESG Impact Report. Below is a summary of the process we’ll follow in developing our Materiality Assessment.

Updating our Materiality Assessment

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

UPDATE materiality purpose and scope

ANALYZE Industry and ESG benchmarking

IDENTIFY and categorize potential material ESG topics and themes

CREATE survey, supplement with interviews and commentary from stakeholders

REVIEW inputs and draft initial discoveries

CREATE materiality

report to align ESG initiatives with stakeholder expectations



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