Dresden City Guide
Classified Advertisements Local newspapers offer a wide range of classified sections on accommodation either to rent or to buy. It may be useful to place an advertisement oneself. Immobilien Scout (www.immobilienscout24.de) Basic abbreviations used in classified ads : 1-ZKB 1 Zimmer, Küche, Bad (1 room, kitchen, bathroom) 2-ZKBB 2 Zimmer, Küche, Bad, Balkon (2 rooms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony) 3-ZW 3-Zimmer Wohnung (3-room apartment) Atelier Studio Apartment DG Dachgeschoss (attic) EB Erstbezug (first letting) EBK Einbauküche (fitted kitchen) EG Erdgeschoss (ground floor) KM Kaltmiete (rent excl. heating or utilities ) Lux. Luxuswohnung (luxury apartment ) Miete z.Z. Miete zur Zeit (current rent – may be raised for new tenant) Möbl. Möbliert (furnished) Nachm. Nachmieter (new tenant) NB Neubau (new building) NK Nebenkosten (maintenance costs for heating, garbage etc.) NR Nichtraucher (non-smoker) Souterrain (basement apartment) Teilmöbliert (partly-furnished, usually with fitted kitchen and bathroom) U/Kt. Umlagen/Kaution (additional costs/security deposit) Warm heating, sometimes utilities included
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