Dresden City Guide
Dresden's Public Transportation System Dresden has a good public transport system (Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG - DVB) which makes it easy to get around town without a car. Types of tickets Jahreskarte (Yearly Ticket): If you plan on being in Dresden for a year or more and plan on using public transportation on a regular basis, it is cost effective to purchase a yearly ticket. With this you receive 12 separate tickets – one for each calendar month. The yearly ticket can be purchased from any DVB office. The yearly card does not need to be date stamped on the bus or tram. During the week the ticket can only be used by one individual. On the weekend or on public holidays it is valid for a family (2 adults and up to 4 children at the age of 6 to 14). Monatskarte (Monthly Ticket): This ticket is valid for one individual, for exactly one month after the ticket is date stamped on a tram or bus. It will be valid then until the same date of the next month. You can buy these from any of the ticket machines which are available at the major Haltestelle (bus/tram stop) or any DVB office. Please note the machines only take coins. As well as buying a single monthly pass from the DVB office you can order more than one monthly ticket and have it mailed to your home. The monthly ticket is valid for a family (2 adults and up to 4 children) during the weekend. A note of caution: About once a year the price of the tram tickets may increase. When this happens, monthly tickets purchased at the old and cheaper price are no longer valid. If you find yourself in possession of such a monthly ticket, you can take it to a DVB office and pay the difference in price and they will give a new valid monthly ticket. Wochenkarte (Weekly Ticket): This ticket is valid for one individual for exactly one week after the date stamped on a tram or bus. It can be purchased from any of the machines at the bus/tram stops. Tageskarte (Day Ticket): A single person day ticket is valid for one individual for 24 hours after the validation stamp. The family day pass is valid for 2 adults and up to 4 children but no dogs or bicycles for 24 hours after the validation stamp. These can be purchased from any of the outside machines, DVB office and also the machines on the trams. Single Ticket: The single ticket is valid for one person for one hour after the date stamp. This ticket can only be used in one zone. 4 Single Ticket Pass: This ticket is good for use as 4 single tickets. Each time you use this ticket, it must be date stamped. The 4 Single Ticket Pass can be purchased from any DVB office or outside machine. Short Trip Ticket: This ticket is valid for one individual for only 4 stops or 2 kilometres.
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