Discovering The Netherlands - Guide for Daily Living

Rates are usually high, but a reduction of up to 70% can be obtained if a driver has submitted no claims to his insurance carrier for a number of years. Statements to this effect from previous insurers are required. Check with your home-country insurance carrier for further information or documentation before departing for the Netherlands. Third-party liability insurance must be issued by a Dutch-licensed company some like ones mentioned below.

Aegon Insurance Aegon was founded in The Netherlands as a result of a merger between two Dutch companies, AGO and Ennia. Today is one of the largest insurance providers.

+ Website: + Local Telephone +31 088 269 2222 + Language: Dutch and English

Ditzo Insurance Offers insurance policies that are focused and tailored to individual need. Insurance with clear conditions that you can easily adjust to the needs required. + Website: + Local Telephone +31 020 651 5151 + Language: Dutch and English Centraal Beheer Centraal Beheer has more than 100 years of experience. Tailored insurance plans that fits your requirements. + Website: + Local phone +31 20 651 51 51 + Language: Dutch and English Child Safety Regulations All vehicles in The Netherlands are required to have functioning seat belts for all persons in the car, including those in the back seat. There is an on-the-spot fine for each person in a car not using a seat belt. An exception is made for back-seat passengers in cars that are not originally equipped with rear seat belts. Children under the age of 12, and who are smaller than 135 cm (53 in), are not allowed to ride in the front seat of a car and must use car seats certified by the Dutch government. The children’s car seat must fulfil at least the European safety standard ECE R 44/03, or even better, the norm ECE R 44/04. There is an on-the- spot fine if children are not secured in the car.

Expenses Vehicle Tax

If you live in The Netherlands and own any form of vehicle you will have to pay motor vehicle tax “ motorrijtuigenbelasting” known as MRB. You will pay MRB by direct debit for three- month periods. You may authorize the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration to debit the motor vehicle tax on a monthly basis. Some form of fuel-efficient vehicles have various rates.

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Discovering The Netherlands

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