Discovering The Netherlands - Guide for Daily Living
Exchange Exchanges are offered at airports and banks. When travelling with a credit or debit card, you can use an automated teller machine to withdraw funds, although check with your bank for any additional fees and limitations. Payment Methods Payments can be made by a Dutch debit card (most common) cash, EC-Card, and less commonly credit cards. Credit Cards Credit card usage in The Netherlands is not as widespread as in other countries due to the fact that credit cards incur an annual fee for the user and high fees can be charged for credit card payments on the seller’s side. Credit cards can normally be used in major department stores, hotels, restaurants, and other establishments. EC-Card The method of paying by Eurocheque Card (EC-Card) has become more and more popular. The card holder has to type in his PIN number or sign the receipt, which will be compared with the signature on the card. EC-Cards can also be used to withdraw money from most automatic teller machines (ATM) in The Netherlands and throughout Europe. Some banks do not issue the EC-Card until the first three salaries have been paid into the account. Taxes While living in The Netherlands, if you are on a local employment contract, you are required to pay taxes and submit an Income Tax Declaration every year. If you are on assignment, your company will inform you of what is needed. If you need more information and/or support on this, your Dwellworks Consultant can refer you to professionals in the area.
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Discovering The Netherlands
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