Discovering The Netherlands 2022
Health Medical/Dental Systems Overview
The Dutch health system is considered to be excellent and highly advanced. Health insurance is obligatory for everyone residing in The Netherlands. The basic package will coast around €110 per month per adult regardless of age and state of health. In addition, there is an income related premium paid by employers and the self-employed. Children under 18 do not pay for health insurance or the basic dental car but must be registered under the policy of a parent/guardian. The basic package will cover doctor visits, emergencies, medical care and rehabilitation. For great website to compare insurance policies between companies you can visit: Your Dwellworks consultant can help you with the translation.
How to apply for Health insurance The insurance company will require: + Dutch address + BSN + A Dutch bank account for direct debit payments. + They will also check that you are present on the civil register
Vaccinations There are no mandatory vaccinations in The Netherlands, however 95% of residents do vaccinate their children. The recommended vaccinations are the following: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio, Whooping cough, Hepatitis B, Measles, Meningococcal disease, Mumps, Rubella, HPV and Influenza (in the winter). These are only general recommendations and are not specific for your individual case. For children, there are some more vaccinations recommended. Please ask your general practitioner, pediatrician, or refer to the governmental health website: The Covid-19 vaccine is highly recommended but not mandatory for those living in the country. However, non-EU citizens can only enter the country if they have been vaccinated and must provide a digital or paper certificate as proof. For more information you can refer to the government website Travelling to the Netherlands with proof of vaccination | Coronavirus COVID-19 | Emergency If you have a medical emergency and need immediate care, you can drive to the emergency or dial 112 for immediate medical attention. An ambulance will then take you to the hospital. Only dial 112 in a serious medical emergency. The emergency room is not intended for situations where a call to your doctor would be sufficient. Situations that demand medical attention but may not necessarily be emergencies include animal bites and small puncture wounds or lacerations.
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Discovering The Netherlands
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