Discovering Singapore 2022

Health Medical/Dental Systems Overview

Singapore has achieved universal health coverage through a mixed financing system . The country's public statutory insurance system, MediShield Life, covers large bills arising from hospital care and certain outpatient treatments. Patients pay premiums, deductibles, co-insurance, and any costs above the claim limit. For foreigners, an international health insurance for Singapore is often a better option for expatriates than a local health plan. It offers freedom in your choice of doctors or medical centre, not only within Singapore but in many other countries (within your zone of cover). Therefore, if you prefer to be treated in your home country or in another country, within your zone of cover, your medical costs will be reimbursed by your insurance company. Moreover, if you leave Singapore and move elsewhere your international insurance may be able to follow you. Helpful Hint: You can find more information on the healthcare system on: singapore/healthcare-in-singapore Emergency If you have a medical emergency and need immediate care, you can drive to the hospital emergency or dial 995 for immediate medical attention. An ambulance will then take you to the hospital.

If you have health issues you should always try to contact your family doctor first.

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Discovering Singapore 2022

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