Discovering Mexico

Registrations For most of the registrations in Mexico, the offices will commonly ask for the following documents: + Valid passport + CURP + TRC + Proof of address (i.e. telephone or utility bill) + Payment of the required fee CURP Registration Clave Única de Registro de Población , or CURP, is an alphanumeric code made up of 18 elements used to register all of the people living in Mexico, both residents and citizens. This is required for most government services, including opening a bank account. In order get a CURP, it is necessary to bring your birth certificate, passport, and visa to your nearest CURP module. . TRC The Tarjeta de Residencia (Residence Card) is the document issued by the National Institute of Migration that proves the regular immigration status of the expatriate. Temporary or permanent residents have a period of 30 calendar days from their entry into national territory to process the correct TRC. The residence card also gives the right to obtain the CURP. You can submit your application request on the following link: Visas Mexican visas can be applied for at a Mexican consulate office outside of Mexico. There are several types of visas to choose from as appropriate for the length of your assignment. Typical requirements include: + Valid passport (copy and original) + Front view, color, passport-sized photographs, without glasses and with white background (some require two photos) + Payment of the required fee + Company letter including applicant’s title, description of activities and duration, and how salary and expenses will be covered

Please visit the U.S. Embassy website for more detailed information on types of visas and requirements: .

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Discovering Mexico

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