Discovering Luxembourg
Registration of an EEE license + Filled in and signed “demande en obtention” signed with a black pencil in the upper left corner, without touching or passing the border; please tick the box “enregistrement d’un permis établi par un état membre EEE” - Click for a copy in French , or German + Readable certified copy of both sides of your actual driving license, stamped with the remark "copie conforme au document original or certified copy" established by an authorized institute, such as: - Administration having established the original document
- Luxemburgish Police - Your local commune - Notary established in Luxembourg - SNCA if you present the original document
+ Readable copy of your ID-card or passport + Recent certificate of residence (less than 1 month old), established by the Administration of the town you are living and informing about the date you came into the country Exchange of an EEA license For the exchange of an EEE license, you need to be officially registered in Luxembourg and you have to wait for 185 days to introduce your application for an exchange. Documents to include in the application for exchange: + Filled in and signed “demande en obtention”, use the documents provided by your Dwellworks Consultant, please tick the box “échange d’un permis établi par un état membre EEE” - Click for a copy in French , or German + One recent photo, compliant with the ISO norm, dimension 45 x 35 mm + Recent certificate (less than 3 months old) relating your criminal record of Luxembourg, judiciaire/casier-judiciaire/extrait-casier-judiciaire (ask for the bulletin N°2) + Tax stamp of 12€ (is available at SNCA or the “Administration de l’Enregistrement” ) + Readable copy of both sides of your actual driving license + Readable copy of your identification card or passport + Recent certificate of residence (less than 1 month old), established by the Administration of the town you are living and informing about the date you came into the country Driving License Exchange of non-EEA For the transcription of a non-EEE driving license, you need to be officially registered in Luxembourg and wait 185 days to introduce your application for a transcription of your driving license. After that you have 365 days to conclude the exchange.
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Discovering Luxembourg
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