Discovering Luxembourg 2022
To address a letter (no more than six lines) + Line 1: Full name and title of addressee (optionally write the surname in capital letters) + Line 2: Company name (if applicable) + Line 3: Building name and number (optional)
+ Line 4: Street number followed by a comma, then the street name + Line 5: Postal code and town or city name (in capital letters)
Luxembourg City Post Offices Luxembourg-Centre Open: Monday to Friday from 07:00- 19:00, Saturday from 07:00- 17:00 Address: 25 rue Aldringen, L-2019 Luxembourg Telephone: 47 65 44 51 Luxembourg-Gare (main railway station) Open: Monday to Friday from 06:00-19:00, Saturday from 06:00- 12:00 Address: 38 place de la Gare, L- 1015 Luxembourg Telephone: 40 88 76 10
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Discovering Luxembourg
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